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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • GCard_Dream
    07-19 03:10 PM
    While we all appreciate the contribution Aman has made for this noble cause and we are thanking him left and right on this forum, that is not the real appreciation of his sacrifice. Just saying thank you Aman; good job is not a real appreciation of his sacrifice by any stretch. If you guys really appreciate what Aman has done for us, please show your appreciation by making contribution. If Aman spent $64000, the least you can do is spend $64 on this noble cause which Aman has been fighting for all along.

    What do you guys say... $64 contribution to thank Aman for his efforts and to show that we are behind him. I already contributed 100 this morning.

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  • rheoretro
    09-13 09:52 PM
    I deeply appreciate the follow up messages from nycgal369 and amitjoey, as well as the efforts of other members who are posting and reading messages...

    Leave the PR and outreach efforts on Capitol Hill efforts to the core members. We need help from other members who are willing to dedicate their efforts to getting members. Talk to family, friends and colleagues. Talk to people in your classes, if you are taking part-time classes. Talk to your boss. Talk to your neighbors who are US citizens and get them to talk to Congressmen and Senators...send emails and letters to your Congressmen and Senators!

    Once again, following up on what nycgal369 said, exactly what amount people contribute is in some ways not what we care first and foremost for. Please contribute what you can comfortably handle within your budget. Whether it is $20, or $ 50 or $500 is your call...the important thing is that people start contributing something...we need funds to support our lobbying activities. And please be assured...all expenses will be audited by a CPA. We are legally obligated to do this.

    Another point that nycgal369 raised is about community outreach efforts...we are already in touch with organizations, both on the left and the right. Please leave that to us. Please help us out with recruiting members and with raising money...

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  • GCard_Dream
    07-19 03:10 PM
    While we all appreciate the contribution Aman has made for this noble cause and we are thanking him left and right on this forum, that is not the real appreciation of his sacrifice. Just saying thank you Aman; good job is not a real appreciation of his sacrifice by any stretch. If you guys really appreciate what Aman has done for us, please show your appreciation by making contribution. If Aman spent $64000, the least you can do is spend $64 on this noble cause which Aman has been fighting for all along.

    What do you guys say... $64 contribution to thank Aman for his efforts and to show that we are behind him. I already contributed 100 this morning.

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  • willgetgc2005
    11-13 03:58 PM
    CIR will be as controversial as ever. SKIL, if any is our best bet.

    CIR seems to be a perpetual wait. Both parties will not close it.
    They need big issues to bicker and promise the electorate
    for the next election.

    IRAQ and CIR will be those big tickets they will use as levers.

    Sorry to sound negative, but it is just the way I see it.SKIL is our only option, IF AT ALL. CIR is just an illusion and who knows if our provisions will be in CIR even if it becomes a reality ??!!!



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  • walking_dude
    11-06 03:59 PM
    Please don't flood/SPAM Senator Grassley with your E-mails..

    If there is any such program to contact any senator, it will be announced by IV core through State chapters network. That's the purpose State Chapters were created! Right now no such action plans exist!

    A sincere request to anyone, DO NOT create your own 'Action Items' on Legislative actions. Reason being, legislative matters are delicate and need careful handling. If handled without a holistic perspective and professional advice - which only IV core can provide - may backfire and harm IV cause, instead of helping it!

    Regarding H1B

    If the system is broken, it should be the responsibility of DoL and government to fix it. Laws on book should be enforced first before introducing new laws. Raising the fees to astronomical levels will kill the program instead of reforming it. Real fix to H1B issues is increasing the number of green cards and provide a level playing field. Wish there was work on permanent fixes to the system instead of efforts to kill it.

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  • Macaca
    03-09 12:15 PM
    I understand that IV has purchased a system (used at other places also). It may not be possible to configure it according to every requirement.

    I don't think IV has the source code for the system. Even if they have the source code, it will take a while to modify it according to all requirements.


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  • FraudGultee
    04-17 09:03 AM
    I dont see any issues here. he is applicable, he has required skill and education. he should be file for EB2

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  • vsrinir
    09-17 12:17 PM
    amendment 6020 is failed
    but it is not ours...stay tuned to ours...why heat up.



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  • unchew
    06-05 07:59 PM
    hey B3NKobe, have you submitted something yet?

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  • go_gc_way
    12-09 12:16 AM
    Thank you for posting your story. I hope every one who is disappointed yesterday read this story.

    If we can acchive it next year -- It is not late. I believe we were very close this time.



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  • rajagopal_04
    12-28 10:13 AM
    My H1b (Revalidation for 7th yr) was on Dec 13th 1:45PM...Still hasnt receive my passport...Called the consulate ...they mentioned PIMS check is needed in order to stamp the passport...My travel date is Jan 9th..and I am also getting anxious...When asked about how long I will have to wait..they said to call back on Jan 5th (!!!????)...

    Consulate apparently was on vacation from Dec 21st thru 26th..in US also until 2nd is pretty much 'holiday season' (lot of folks on vacation) (I hear this PIMS check is done by some system in Okalahoma)..

    I hope I wont have to postpone my tickets...Looks like this system got kicked in Late Nov,Dec (Per Murthy)..May be we are the gini pigs..

    I echoed my concern to the US consulate that delays will cause significant financial loss (extra vacation days, loss of pay, travel plan changes etc)...I dont think they are bothered..but it will be good if who ever is affected can send emails/call consulate and echo these concerns..('May be' all of us together will have a bigger voice)

    Today i got reply from Chennai US consulate.

    "Due to the implementation of new system requirements for the processing of petition based non-immigrant visas, the dispatch of passports with these types of visas from our office may be delayed by several days beyond regular processing times. Please wait at least seven working days after your date of interview before contacting our office regarding your passport."

    Anyway I cancelled my wife's flight tickets, and won't book until they handover the passport to VFS. I agree with jitnair, this delay is affecting all our travel and personal plans in very BAD way.

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  • lazycis
    01-09 01:26 PM
    I am in U.S. and I applied here.
    do I still need that I-601?

    More likely you will need it if you leave the country.


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  • kartikiran
    08-15 05:34 PM
    I was looking at the recent forum posts and there was no discussions about EB3 listed. Thought would "BUMP" this to bring the EB3 plight on the top...

    Felt EB3 category looked like a lost category, when the EB2 approvals was at the top all the time in our recent forums...:mad:

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  • walking_dude
    11-19 12:09 PM

    Thanks for the suggested "Addendum". A para on it, included in the letter (edited)



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  • ujjwal_p
    08-19 02:55 PM
    Congrats man! Happy for you and your biggest fulfillment.

    By any chance, are you originally from INDIA? If so, we're pleased to strike off one more suckup from our list of billion people.


    lol.. nice one.. anyway, congrats dude.. biggest fulfillment.. hmm.. sounds like gollum and "the precious".. this is further proof that the first stop after attaining gc/usc needs to be a shrink..atleast for some of us..

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  • chintu25
    07-20 01:21 PM
    Date Delivered To USCIS: July 2nd 2007
    Time Delivered To USCIS: unknown
    Service Center: TSC, NSC etc. Texas
    Rejected: Dont Know


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  • shahuja
    02-06 11:20 AM
    i call embassy every day...they say under processing..VO has your case/pp..
    my DOS approval was most probably done on 29th jan..so its been 6 working days and still embassy is not giving a positive response..

    what now ??

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  • MeraNaamJoker
    08-25 10:05 AM
    Hi All,

    I heard that after gettign GC and before Applying for Citizenship we should stay in US continously for 3.5 years how far is that true.
    What is the exact rule? Can someone please guide me thru proper thread.

    USCIS - A Guide to Naturalization (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=4df39ddf801b3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCR D&vgnextchannel=4df39ddf801b3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60a RCRD)

    Read page 18

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  • B3NKobe
    06-03 02:29 AM
    Why the hell wouldn't you let the iBoy version in? It's pretty sweet. The only thing I'd suggest is fixing the proportions for the buttons, there a little out of wack.
    It might be 'sweet' but I explained in my post above yours. I didnt ask for modifications, I asked for 'skins'.

    12-03 11:14 AM
    IMO, this is the biggest problem plaguing IV - perception of IV as just another online forum (community) or a "chat room" as a newspaper reporter put it ! (http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071123/NEWS07/711230422/1009) (under the heading "Taking Action").

    This point IV = chat room has come to the fore, several times in discussions. A lot of persons have refused to join IV efforts with the ruse "IV is just an online forum where members discuss mundane matters". Whether someone admits it or not, IV has a serious image problem !. It needs to be corrected soon (by more than making another announcement type "We are not a forum" post !)

    Strength of an(y) organization comes from contributing, active members. And not from MINOWs (Members-In-Name-Only Wusses)


    Strength of online communities is always the members...the higher the members the better.


    07-11 01:15 PM
    This is what my law firm says:

    Please also note that in proceeding with filing the I-485 for the purposes of the lawsuit, you would be waiving your right to any refund of the filing fees for your case, as there is no guarantee that the USCIS will return filing fees. Should you have any questions about billing/pricing/credits, please contact our Customer Support department at 1-888XXXXX ext. 2, or customersupport@XXXXXXXXX.com.

    They specifically talk about the USCIS filing fees and not their fees. they have assured me that they will only charge once for filing.

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