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Thursday, June 2, 2011

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  • eznoh
    May 5, 08:52 AM
    Yes. I'm using the Power Support Crystal Clear

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  • mrgreen4242
    Dec 20, 02:21 PM
    I'm working on a project now that is insalling computers that use a fingerprint reader for user login. It's pretty simple stuff at this point, and works pretty well. (I can't for the life of me remember who makes the software we are using)... Some people's fingers don't work well with it, though. If you worked on a farm at some point, or worked with a lot of hard cleaning chemicals there's a good chance it won't recognize your print.

    I have read some articles that some grocery store chain down south is installing fingerprint readers at the checkout and you can pay for your groceries by registering you print and checking account with the store and then just pressing your finger to the reader. That's it, no paper, no signitures, no cards. Just finger on, here's your reciept.

    I like it. Some privacy advocates don't like it, but I for one am more paranoid about giving out my SSN. If someone wants your print they could get it from the keyboard you type your password/pin in. You can't lose your finger print, or have it stolen (without knowing it's missing right away). These devices are already pretty good at ignoring 'fakes', and I've seen some that have hea sensors to make sure the 'finger' being read is warm enough to be a persons.

    Anyways, in my experience with them they are alright. I would like to have one at home that I could use for my passwords at websites and such. Have my password be a random series of characters and have the reader insert it only after verifying my finger. Would work nice. Same for the ATM... no mor lost cards or trying to keep the guy behind me from seeing my PIN...

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  • TwistedPain
    May 2, 02:42 PM
    28th Production week, 2007. 200 MHZ CPU speed, A1203, 8GB. To know more, we need more information. Why do you want to know?

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  • Kate Winslet

  • Dyne
    May 3, 11:16 PM
    Hi everyone!

    I'm not sure if anyone remembers me from back when the mid-2010 iMacs launched, but I purchased one, and despite loving the system, I ended up having to return it due to having a lot of eye strain while using it for even five minutes. With the new iMacs having been launched today, I decided to pick up a new one to attempt to adjust to the screen again, as I really, REALLY loved the system, and I hated being back on a Windows machine.

    I'm not certain why, but I'm having next to no issues this time around; I've been using the system nearly non-stop for the last two hours, and I've had very minimal eyestrain compared to last year's model! Absolutely NOTHING has changed whatsoever with my vision or lighting conditions in my PC room.

    Was something possibly changed with the displays for this release that has alleviated my issues almost entirely? If so, I'm certainly not complaining. :) And hopefully those other individuals besides myself that were having the same issues previously will be able to use the new iMacs with relative ease, as well!


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  • Kate Winslet

  • littleman23408
    Oct 31, 01:30 PM
    Is it just the picture, or is that shelf ready to go?

    Nice collections BTW. I had about 500 DVDs from the States, but since i live in Greece now, they wont play on my PS3 I bought here, so I converted them all, and have them stored on my external drive.

    Anyone have any ideas what I should do with them? I have them in two boxes in the garage.

    Ha, nope its not just the picture, the shelves are pretty slanted. They are holding up though. If any of the shelves decide to break, I would not be surprised if it is the shelves that are holding all my records. They are more heavier than 1 shelf of blu's. I will probably be looking at getting new bookcase or something soon.

    Do you plan on coming back to the states anytime? When you come back you could sell them to a second hand store or donate them?

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  • Hberg
    Mar 12, 07:35 AM
    I definitely like purchasing from the Apple Store, but I didn't know what to expect with that line.

    It sounds like there are a number of happy people in getting what they wanted.



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  • jefhatfield
    Jan 28, 01:22 PM
    at the very least, if you were not a mod, you would be a G3

    ...and maybe even higher

    ...my guess is that 604e at the very highest reasonable level is at 15,000, and G3 at 20,000 but i would assume much lower for those levels and maybe G4 is at 20,000

    ...and G5 at 50,000 or 100,000 since it would be no fun for someone to reach that and have nothing to loook forward to

    it could be that G5 is set at a million to make it unattainable:p

    note: maybe arn has not decided yet what to give people beyond a 601 and there is no set level for the next level

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  • ¡Más Imágenes Libres!

  • bhsu21
    Mar 19, 01:18 PM
    No, it isn't. I was very clear as far as I'm concerned and I don't need a new member telling me how to do things. Like I said, I'm going to send a brand new in box phone, not a refurb.

    The winning bidder was a hacked account - mother ****er.

    Why does it matter if I am a new member? Does it mean I can't voice my opinion? Don't treat me like I'm some little kid.

    Honestly, $560 is a high final price when you see the completed auctions for a new unlocked one that are mostly around $500. But congrats on your winning auction from the hacked account.


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  • himesh
    Apr 13, 03:12 AM
    Switch easy nude?

    One of the thinnest cases I know, scratches a bit though.


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  • shenfrey
    May 6, 11:15 AM
    I think buying an Imac will be one of the best purchases you could ever make. Certainly one that will never forget, once you go mac you will never go back.



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  • old-wiz
    Apr 6, 05:07 PM
    OPs MacBook seems to have a busted shift key, would that qualify? I wonder who he has to show it to do get a new one?

    they are not going to replace it for something like that. It takes three replacements of the same part before Apple would even consider it.

    OP is really just looking for a way to commit fraud.

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  • mkrishnan
    Nov 9, 07:14 PM
    I missed mod/it/xm tracking on my amiga/pc ...

    Did you ever use Med to make mods on the Amiga? Ahhhh, good times.... :rolleyes:


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  • dasmb
    Apr 14, 12:32 PM
    These are static graphics, right? Technically speaking, these files are loaded from the server into RAM by the program, and if there isn't enough RAM it'll write to a local scratch disk. Once the user starts working, they operate on the data in RAM or the scratch disk -- NOT the original file. This allows a full undo/revert workflow. This means that merely by opening the files, they're performing the equivalent of pulling them to the local disk and then opening them...and they're doing so in one step.

    If an issue were to occur while saving the file, the server's copy may be corrupted. However, the user would be alerted and they could save the file locally.

    Get off their case :D

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  • DanielCoffey
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Can you still see all your RAM? Is there anything running in the background like Seti@Home and so on?


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  • cantthinkofone
    Mar 16, 12:36 PM
    Bear in mind...

    Sorry I couldn't help it.

    I have been watching the price of Apple stocks and they are down $20 from last week when I almost bought a single share. Glad I didn't though. If I get this job today or tomorrow I think I will buy one or two shares while it's sagging.

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  • Imagenes de Kate Winslet.

  • kiljoy616
    May 5, 07:51 AM
    China is becoming the new America: they have all these weird exclusive standards that are different from the rest of the world. If I lived there I'd be constantly using Witopia VPN on my wireless hotspot at home.

    Mc Carthy would have drooled to Chinese Government paranoia. but we are not like them for now at least. :eek:.


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  • ClarkeB
    Sep 22, 06:39 PM
    Yeah, I have a rev A iMac G5 20 inch and it is perfect! Although, earlier this year I set up a rev A iMac G5 17 inch and it was so noisy that I felt embarassed being near it.

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  • MobiusCreative
    Apr 13, 12:48 PM
    I have an iPad v.1 running iOS 4.2 that won't update to iOS 4.3. Says "Your iPad software is up to date". I've got the latest iTunes (10.2.1) and I've even updated my wife's iPad just fine. Thoughts? The Googles hasn't helped.

    On top of that the 4.3 IPSW is gone from the wife's install so I can't restore to that.

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  • Laird Knox
    Mar 10, 02:23 PM
    You aren't going to find any Javascript to do that. You are going to need some coding on the server side. Somewhere you are going to need to run the SQL and pull the data from a database.

    For example, I'm currently working on a project that has a Flex front end and uses Google App Engine on the back end. I have a servlet that can process images and serve them up. I am using Java on the App Engine side.


    The above image is pulled from the database, the watermark is added, the image is sized and sent to the browser. It isn't a trvial copy and past but you might want to start looking at whatever the back end server is running. Too many questions to provide a definitive answer.

    (Note: The above image will eventually go away as the database is still in active development and this is a test image. Likewise the watermark is just a placeholder and will change.)

    May 6, 03:10 PM
    I am going to be picking up my new 27" iMac at the store tomorrow. For the past 4 years I have been using a 24" Dell at 1920x1200. Since the 27" iMac is 2560x1140, do most people run it at native or something lower?

    I am looking forward to the increased screen size so I can have more rows/columns viewable, but not sure I want them any smaller.

    I sit about 24-30" away from the screen.

    How would the 27" look at something lower?

    Jan 1, 09:12 PM
    What happened to Guy Kawasaki?

    Sep 17, 08:38 PM
    Originally posted by applemacdude
    I dont feel like old school even though i registerd in 2001

    You haven't posted a ton of posts, if so you would feel old skool.


    May 5, 10:01 AM
    I removed my Samsung 470 SSD from an HP laptop that had Win 7 running. Trim was enabled automatically with Win 7. When I put it into my new Macbook Pro trim was not enabled. You can check by going into the Apple, then About, then More Info and finally into Serial ATA. When you scroll down you will see that trim is not enabled.( Without it, the SSD will fill up and slow down. Google it and see what it does). Groths.org had a Trim Enabler patch that worked perfectly. I downloaded it and clicked on it and it installed. When I went back into the Apple, etc I found that trim had been enabled. Kudos to Oskar. I dropped a couple of bucks on him from Paypal because I appreciate this kind of work. Maybe Apple will have trim enabled in the next OS, like Win7.

    Apr 17, 06:53 AM
    I hope this is standard on ios5. It is pretty rediculous for the data to be there and yet the ipad doesnt use it

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