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Thursday, June 2, 2011

girls with guns and tattoos

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  • Designer Dale
    Mar 16, 06:08 PM
    I think you're probably right. This woman probably could have been in the room when it happened and still blame it on the girl.

    There is a similar case in which a teen brought her 7 year old sister to an apartment where she was gang-raped for money. The case is falling apart due to lack of evidence. They probably all wore rubbers.

    A girl pimped her 7 year old sister. Animals don't do stuff like this.

    TRENTON � City police have charged a 15-year-old girl as an accomplice to the gang rape of her 7-year-old sister.

    Police said they believe the older sibling was paid for having sex with multiple partners Sunday night during a party at the troubled Rowan Towers apartment complex, and that she then sold her sister to others at the party.

    Police said they believe the younger girl was raped by five to seven individuals, who held the girl against her will and threatened to kill her if she screamed or if she later told anyone about what happened.

    Trenton, NJ (http://www.trentonian.com/articles/2010/03/31/news/doc4bb27f30d1eb1589203516.txt)


    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos.
  • girls with guns tattoos.

  • SwiftLives
    May 4, 02:21 PM
    But what if torturing a person who is involved in the plans of a terrorist attack could prevent thousands of deaths?

    Torturing would never be a good action, but it is like killing someone to defend yourself, killing is bad, but the result of killing saved your life.

    In the case of torture, it is the government defending its people (country). If it can be avoided better, but I would rather authorize torture instead of letting attacks happen.

    EDIT: As with everything, every single case needs to be analyzed separately.

    But there is absolutely no guarantee or, to my knowledge, no proof that torture results in any useful intelligence whatsoever. And killing someone to save your own life is defending yourself. Not sure how torture could ever be considered an act of self-defense.

    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos.
  • girls with guns tattoos.

  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 09:00 PM
    Woot. Looks like eBay cancelled the auction!!

    no dude, read the thread. HE cancelled it. you can still see it in completed auctions as ended by the seller. when ebay cancels, it goes *poof*.

    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos.
  • girls with guns tattoos.

  • ucfgrad93
    Dec 1, 01:34 PM
    On my iMac.


    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos. the
  • girls with guns tattoos. the

  • jonnysods
    Apr 6, 02:27 PM
    Wonder if they run Windows Server 2000.

    That is one butt load of memory. Wonder what Amazon needs?

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  • photos: girls with guns!

  • Hustler1337
    Apr 28, 05:19 AM
    No surprises here, the majority of people are waiting for the next iPhone.

    I agree. Most people who wanted the iPhone 4 will have got one by the time the verizon version was released. Also, there was no concrete proof that a Verizon iPhone will be released when the original gsm iPhone 4 was released. As the article states, either people are stuck in contracts or are equally just going to wait fr the next generation of the iPhone, seeing as it is only a few months away.


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  • girls tattoos. girls with guns

  • mif
    Apr 3, 09:41 AM
    Space Odyssey 2011.

    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos.
  • girls with guns tattoos.

  • Eriden
    Apr 28, 07:28 PM
    3-5 years in the future, before either side's claims get to trial, FT, IBJ, and WSJ will be reporting on an out-of-court settlement with undisclosed terms.


    girls with guns and tattoos. guns , People , Tattoos
  • guns , People , Tattoos

  • boshii
    Mar 8, 11:28 AM
    Old news. Stop promoting it.

    girls with guns and tattoos. Girls With Guns Calendar.
  • Girls With Guns Calendar.

  • Vegasman
    Apr 4, 12:08 PM
    If this is from their website, what is their issue with letting users opt-out in their iPad app?

    Because if you opt out on the iPad app they don't get your information at all.

    They will need this information to offer you a better deal once they come out with the HTML5 version of their app. At that point they will bypass the Apple store and its 30% cut altogether. You will pay less for the content and FT will make more money then they do now.

    It's a win-win for both you and FT. Apple, well, not so much.


    girls with guns and tattoos. girls, sexy, tattoo, Guns,
  • girls, sexy, tattoo, Guns,

  • bigrobb
    Sep 5, 08:53 PM
    here is mine

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  • now special tattoo guns

  • iStudentUK
    May 4, 08:05 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    There was talk if waterboarding providing some intell, but this is now in serious doubt.

    Torture and inhumane treatment is unacceptable (even if you call it enhanced interrogation). The US should adopt something equivalent to Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It prohibits torture in ANY circumstance, it is an absolute right.

    No matter the situation, even in the ticking bomb thought experiment, torture should not be used.


    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns drawings.
  • girls with guns drawings.

  • munkle
    Mar 28, 12:52 AM
    Is there a way o still get the standard Wiretap program. All I can find is WireTap Pro, which costs $20

    You can download it from here (http://homepage.mac.com/WebObjects/FileSharing.woa/wa/default?user=drewbono&templatefn=FileSharing1.html&xmlfn=TKDocument.1.xml&sitefn=RootSite.xml&aff=consumer&cty=US?=en) :)

    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos.
  • girls with guns tattoos.

  • bousozoku
    Feb 15, 12:43 PM
    We're afraid to. We don't want to anger you, for you are universally considered to be the meanest member. I am thankful that I live 1000 miles away. That thing you did with the puppies and the fireworks "just to see what would happen" still haunts me.


    What? You don't like hot dogs?


    girls with guns and tattoos. Nothing beats guns, girls
  • Nothing beats guns, girls

  • eldervovichka
    Oct 10, 08:30 AM
    I really like the new look and it seems what's the word "snappier". It really is a cool app.


    girls with guns and tattoos. Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo
  • Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo

  • simsaladimbamba
    May 2, 03:10 PM
    If it is a .zip file, double click on it, as Mac OS X can extract .zip files natively. If that doesn't work or if it is not a .zip file, take a look at The Unarchiver.


    girls with guns and tattoos. Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo
  • Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo

  • Fedorov
    Oct 9, 03:59 PM
    Nice UI, super smooth scrolling, LOVE the pull down refresh feature - toss up between my SimplyTweet and Tweetie 2 now for daily use, will report back in a week ;)

    girls with guns and tattoos. Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo
  • Evil Guns Stomach Tattoo

  • rutiger
    Mar 12, 12:49 PM
    Can any cell phone capable of connecting to the web be used as a Bluetooth modem with an iPad that's been jail broke?
    I'm using my Sprint Samsung M610 phone as a modem with my MacBook. Was wondering if it can be done with an iPad.

    Doesn't work with the iPhone 4 4.2.1 jb. They won't pair.

    girls with guns and tattoos. girls with guns tattoos. Girls, Lingerie, Guns Always
  • girls with guns tattoos. Girls, Lingerie, Guns Always

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Not gettin' it: people are afraid of THE GOVERNMENT getting the data, through whatever means. Most people don't give 2 craps about specifically Apple having the data.

    What i find hilarious about people being afraid of the gvernment statement is that if the gov wants ur info, they will take it. Apple really isnt the people to be afraid of. If the gov wanted totrack you, bitch they will. They dont need phones to do it either. They will make a new day of the week just to make you gone.

    Apr 4, 10:30 AM
    I hate AT&T with a passion. Yet, I'd never switch to Verizon because I'm hooked on 3Mbps + speeds. They're the crack of carriers.

    Switching is probably useless, as Verizon most likely will do the same.

    Why leave money on the table?

    I agree with the poster about ATT always charging something extra here and there and they know they get away with it as you can never reach anybody to straighten this out or most people won't check a 75 plus page phone bill.

    They do @$#@$%#%$#

    I am also looking into Boost or other pay as you go services for phone calls.

    Need more wifi in places and we can get away with an ipod or ipad.

    Let's just say lots of us will check how to get unf#$#$

    Apr 13, 10:29 AM
    Is there a way to check how many of each iPhone version are currently activated?

    I'm assuming there is still a large number of 3GS users out there and it just seems crazy that AT&T and to a lesser extent, carriers around the world, would allow millions? of users to go off contract without something new and pretty to keep them locked down.

    But of course app purchases, accessories, and time spent with iOS will be enough to keep many loyal even with what Android can offer, even if they have to wait a few extra months.

    I predict that if we don't see the iPhone 5 released in June/July, that there will at least be something mentioned about it at WWDC. Maybe even the normal Job's presentation, but "won't be available until" will be plastered on the screen.

    Just something to keep those waiting to either say, that isn't enough to hold out for and to get an iPhone 4 or for others to hold out and keep feeding the app market in the mean time.

    Either way Apple wins.

    May 6, 05:33 PM
    I have recently reinstalled Snow Leopard on my Macbook Pro. I am wondering, from the migrant Assistant, where it says to restore apps, can I just select the ones I want to reinstall rather than install ALL of them?
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    Nov 3, 10:13 PM
    this app is made by macrumors member cougar so we're giving him a little exposure. Anyone else in the forums that develops freeware, submit it and (assuming the app works and is worthwhile) I'll probably post it. :)

    Oct 18, 03:58 PM

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