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Friday, June 3, 2011

bandana in hair


  • Tallest Skil
    Jun 29, 07:33 PM
    Either way Apple is going strong and the potential for iPhone (and Apple gadgets) and Mac OS X to move forward are huge.

    Yeah, Apple's gadgets. What about... oh, I don't know... their COMPUTERS?

    Specifically the Mac Pro and Mac Mini. So much potential there.

    bandana in hair. Wigs amp; Co - Hair loss
  • Wigs amp; Co - Hair loss

  • Brian33
    Apr 28, 10:02 AM
    I'm still relatively new to OS X, but holding the option key is the only way I know of to select which disk to boot. If there is another way (e.g., a boot-time menu or something that didn't require holding a key), I'd be interested to know about it.

    bandana in hair. Pirate Bandana With Hair
  • Pirate Bandana With Hair

  • compuwar
    Mar 21, 03:37 AM
    Hi, thanks for the responses.about the canon lenses: I use Nikon so my lenses are all black.

    I'm not so sure I'd want to insulate my black lenses. An Inland Marine insurance policy is probably a much better deal.


    bandana in hair. Headbands, Bandanas and Head
  • Headbands, Bandanas and Head

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 25, 01:45 PM
    No, you can't "force" such a thing. No one knows for certain when Lion will be released. Note that there is a Lion forum (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=152), where answers to your Lion-related questions will be found.


    bandana in hair. Bandana, long hair, tents,
  • Bandana, long hair, tents,

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 18, 09:44 AM
    HTC 16 Megapixel handset incoming? (http://www.t3.com/news/htc-16-megapixel-windows-phone-7-handset-incoming?=55525)

    Hopefully they wont ruin it by putting cheap, knock-off lenses in.

    Well one thing that was discovered later after a lot of the reviews was people were not remove the little plastic film over them. They assumed incorrectly that because there was a cut or for it that it was not on there. After you remove the the plastic film it worked great. (film is a lot like the plastic one on the iPhone when you first get it)

    bandana in hair. Flair Hair Bandana - Bandana
  • Flair Hair Bandana - Bandana

  • snaky69
    May 3, 11:26 AM
    It is the unibody MacBook. Will it hurt anything to try installing it?

    I believe your macbook uses ddr2 memory,whereas the newer MBP's use DDR3. There is difference in voltage requirements for those two standards. You can install it in the macbook, it just won't boot, but you won't damage anything.

    Why are you trying to do this in the first place?


    bandana in hair. Red Bandana Hair Bow or
  • Red Bandana Hair Bow or

  • Benjy91
    Apr 3, 02:58 PM
    Source: http://www.winrumors.com/leaked-forza-4-video-unveils-kinect-features/

    A promotional video for Microsoft’s Forza 4 game leaked to the Internet on Friday.

    WinRumors held back from posting the video until Microsoft representatives were able to confirm the video was genuine and not an elaborate April Fools. Microsoft has confirmed the authenticity of the video and has claimed it was never meant for public distribution.

    The video in question was not intended for public distribution and may not accurately reflect features and functionality that ship in Forza Motorsport 4. We will have more to share on Forza Motorsport 4 in the near future.


    The video shows off some of the promised Kinect features for Forza 4. “Stand up and use your hands to open the doors, retract the roof, fire up the engine,” says the narrator of the video. The game will feature 80 car manufacturers, a figure that has never been seen before in a racing game. “Kinect powered head tracking allows you to look into the corners while you race,” says the narrator. IGN also notes that Top Gear’s own test track might make its way to Forza 4.

    The video shows that the Kinect integration will mainly be for the less hardcore gamers. Microsoft’s promise to share more information on Forza 4 “in the near future” will keep the masses hoping for further Kinect integration.

    Forza Motorsport 4 Developer Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UDbjkePJa0&feature=player_embedded)

    bandana in hair. It is use to hold the hair
  • It is use to hold the hair

  • iGav
    Dec 31, 11:09 AM
    Just joking...

    hahahaha I bet you're not. :eek: :p :p

    I'd go with Tribeworks 'iShell', Ben and Casey's 'Processing', Ambrosia's 'Snapz Pro' and finally Discreet for the awesome Combustion 3.


    bandana in hair. Flair Hair Bandanas
  • Flair Hair Bandanas

  • dal20402
    Jan 10, 07:15 PM
    The new 3.1 interface, while generally nice, takes away the option to change the color of the dock notification. Now I have clashing red starbursts in my Dock (those of NNW and Mail). I really preferred having only Mail red, because I need to see new mail out of the corner of my eye, but who really cares about new RSS items... :mad::rolleyes:

    bandana in hair. Pin-up hair with andana and
  • Pin-up hair with andana and

  • mjstew33
    Dec 23, 10:24 PM
    ahhh....much better.

    No more annoying product categories. Anyone know what is different besides the look?
    ipod ipod ipod ipod :rolleyes:


    bandana in hair. Native hair feathers + andana
  • Native hair feathers + andana

  • mtbdudex
    May 1, 03:09 PM
    Nice picts Ward, can you get 8-10 hrs on the batteries?

    I used to love playing crystal quest on my MacPortable.

    I'm sure you are running some AfterDark screen savers as well.

    Does anyone remember the "Barney Blaster" screen module?
    I was NOT allowed to play that in front of my young nieces/nephews back then.

    just saw your other thread. You gotta show some AD screen saver picts!!

    bandana in hair. Pre Tied Bandana -hair
  • Pre Tied Bandana -hair

  • jrohlman88
    May 5, 11:38 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_8 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E401 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Does anyone know when best buy is suppose to get the new iMac? The only reason I want one from them and not apple is because if the 18 month 0% financing option. One sales associate told me this Friday, but another told me several weeks from now


    bandana in hair. Rockabilly Pinup Hair#39;
  • Rockabilly Pinup Hair#39;

  • Rincewind42
    Jan 11, 09:08 PM
    Hmm... After it's done with the first CD, and it's rebooting, the CD is still in there, right? I believe that the mac continues to boot off the first CD until the second is needed. The HD isn't booted from until the installation has finished. Once it's done with the first CD, and restarts, try holding down the "C" key to ensure it doesn't try and boot from the HD.

    Actually, after the first CD is done installing, the installer boots from the internal HD (or at least, it should). The installer then continues pulling from the CD to finish the installation (if there is more needed, you actually don't need the 2nd CD for a fully functional system).

    You can try doing a custom install with only the minimal install features and see if you can at least get a bootable system. Then you can do additional installs from the 2nd CD directly from the Finder, you just have to navigate to the packages that you want to install.

    bandana in hair. Lady#39;s Bandana Headband, Hair
  • Lady#39;s Bandana Headband, Hair

  • JoeG4
    Jul 6, 02:07 AM
    I dunno about the CW, but the F is one of the coolest running laptops I've used.


    Granted, that's just doing normal stuff. Ok, so I decided to see if anyone had a record:


    That's.. toasty lol


    Check this stuff out:




    bandana in hair. Bandanas, Hair Claws, hair
  • Bandanas, Hair Claws, hair

  • msjones
    Apr 17, 03:09 AM
    If they haven't been purged at all in over 5 years I'd say 15gb is probably a minimum!

    bandana in hair. Hair Accessories
  • Hair Accessories

  • dnmx
    Jan 11, 04:49 AM
    i'm using the font explorer from linotype.

    there's a free version, too. which was quite sufficent for me at home. at the studio i'm using the pro version.

    and in combination with indesign, it activates and deactivates the fonts you're using in each file automatically.

    generally it's quite useful.


    bandana in hair. RED BANDANA WITH HAIR

  • FiremanMike
    Apr 16, 11:34 AM
    You should be able to buy heatsink gel at any serious computer store (not best buy, et al). Please be forewarned, I've never personally done that, but I know that stuff is out there.

    bandana in hair. Can be worn with all your hair
  • Can be worn with all your hair

  • MrRoyksopp
    Apr 14, 10:10 AM
    Alright, thanks for the advice guys, it helped!

    bandana in hair. Hair Fair hosts Bandana
  • Hair Fair hosts Bandana

  • blevins321
    Apr 20, 10:02 AM
    So I cant do it with a DVD at all? WTH? Seems very inconvenient to need the special USB install media.

    This is just a thought, but maybe you could take one of your own flash drives into an Apple Store? They might be willing to clone one of the USB drives for you, or maybe even replace it for a small fee.

    Jun 23, 01:57 AM
    do you have rubber feet?

    price for the batteries?

    Dec 5, 09:42 PM
    a 500 dually should be planty fast, although im not sure if those 2 500s act as a 1ghz in osx, or if the application has to be multithreaded

    maybe somone could answer that

    Jan 16, 10:21 AM
    I'm hoping it's about phenomenon but I seriously doubt it.

    Apr 25, 08:23 AM
    I found this interesting:

    Notebook Owners
    Your one-year warranty includes replacement coverage for a defective battery. You can extend your replacement coverage for a defective battery to three years from the date of your notebook purchase with the AppleCare Protection Plan. However, the AppleCare Protection Plan for notebook computers does not cover batteries that have failed or are exhibiting diminished capacity except when the failure or diminished capacity is the result of a manufacturing defect. Apple offers a battery replacement service for MacBook Air and all MacBook Pro notebooks with built-in batteries. You can purchase replacement batteries for late models of Apple notebooks directly from the Apple Store.

    So what constitutes defective. Is there are criteria for measuring this that is disclosed or it it up to the repair tech?

    The way I view this is that it essentially means 99.99% of the time the battery is not covered.


    That article provides some insight. In general, it has to be clearly defective before Apple will replace it. For current Macs it is 1000 cycles until it should drop below 80% but of course, Apple won't replace it if it has 999 cycles and it is at 79%.

    May 18, 06:24 PM
    other Rumors mainly from the survey taken a while back seem's like there will be a Built in netflix app no disc needed more Facebook features First choice beta accesses and cloud service to store online saves etc.

    I still won't tamt to pay for that crap.. All I want to do is fracking play multiplayer games!!

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