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Thursday, June 2, 2011

queen sofia royal wedding

queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia of Spain,
  • Queen Sofia of Spain,

  • Shifty
    Dec 22, 09:03 PM
    meh...it's just to entertain. :)

    that must of taken a lot of work :)

    I hope not to see this thread turn into a 'MacRumors vs Spymac' war, or a Spymac-bashing thread. :rolleyes:

    At the end of the day, we're just mac-related sites full of mac-lovers.

    I wonder whether MacRumors will make a trailer? ;)

    queen sofia royal wedding. Spain#39;s Queen Sofia, Spain#39;s
  • Spain#39;s Queen Sofia, Spain#39;s

  • GuyNextDoor
    Jul 20, 10:20 AM

    absoulty disgusting I'm boycotting Fox on MLB till they do something with McCarver either he apologies or susspended/canned

    Over-react much?

    Besides, it's not called "The Evil Empire" for nothing.

    queen sofia royal wedding. Royal Wedding Fashion: Hats!
  • Royal Wedding Fashion: Hats!

  • someguy
    Jan 12, 09:38 AM
    I do have an idea which could help Apple. If they want to hear it they can email me.

    What is your opinion on Cisco and Apple's dispute?
    I'm sure they are dying to hear your plan.

    I say may the best man (company) win. To be honest, and this is just opinion, I think Cisco threw the "iPhone" out there because they knew the real iPhone was coming (as did we all) and wanted to bank on it somehow, just like I'm sure iPhone-related email addresses were swiped up recently too.

    I could be wrong, but prove it.

    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia of Spain (in red)
  • Queen Sofia of Spain (in red)

  • Blue Velvet
    Dec 17, 05:14 AM
    I'd probably do it with a combo of Acrobat Pro because it has some OCR capabilities and some Automator chops, combined with Photoshop batch processing. It would take me a while to consult on particularly with Automator, work out and test.

    Think this query goes beyond the scope of the Design and Graphics forum, to be honest as it involves some OS X chops, or even Windows since you haven't even specified what OS your buddy is using.


    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia
  • Queen Sofia

  • RawBert
    Aug 4, 07:43 PM
    No... it amounted to some spectacular Northern Lights displays. My wife showed me bunch that were captured last night and posted to the web.... I don't know where she found them.... but they were spectacular. :)

    OMG! That picture is insane. :eek:


    More (http://www.csmonitor.com/CSM-Photo-Galleries/In-Pictures/The-Northern-and-Southern-Lights).

    queen sofia royal wedding. King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Queen Sofia of Spain - Royal Wedding In ..
  • King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Queen Sofia of Spain - Royal Wedding In ..

  • balamw
    Apr 8, 10:58 AM
    Inspired by a user's thread who is unhappy with the way their KB backlight works (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1130722), I decided to play with the Ambient Light Sensor and KB backlight on my MBP.

    I was a bit disappointed to see that unlike under W7 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd318953(v=vs.85).aspx)there is no official API to access the sensor data. Really?

    Anyhow, I quickly found this code: http://osxbook.com/book/bonus/chapter10/light/ and various comments around that it doesn't work anymore. A bit more digging led to this code: http://google-mac-qtz-patches.googlecode.com/svn-history/r5/trunk/AmbientLightSensor which does actually work and allowed me to whip this up.

    A few reasons for the post:


    queen sofia royal wedding. Princess Letizia Queen Sofia
  • Princess Letizia Queen Sofia

  • vincenz
    Feb 1, 04:19 PM
    The screen looks closer to 4:3 ratio than 16:9.

    queen sofia royal wedding. Royal Wedding Arrivals
  • Royal Wedding Arrivals

  • nomad01
    Sep 23, 01:39 PM
    1) The ongoing offer (open every day, a lot of stock) can be seen as a hidden price cut.
    2) Clearing out stock may be a sign of updates coming... :rolleyes:

    So some of this could be new stock that's just repacked for a low price? Possible I suppose.

    Although I wonder where they've dug up the 3rd gen iPods from. Think they've found a stock room that they thought they'd lost? :eek: ;)


    queen sofia royal wedding. Princess Letizia Queen Sofia
  • Princess Letizia Queen Sofia

  • bousozoku
    Feb 16, 02:46 PM
    I'm using Firefox with adblock right now and it seems to work fine, despite the fact that the page says it's not available for version 1.0+. I changed that to 1.0 and got the version that works.

    Also, you might try Shiira. It uses the back-end that Safari and OmniWeb use to render pages and run JavaScript but it has its own distinct look.

    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia of Spain,
  • Queen Sofia of Spain,

  • oilers15
    Jul 28, 09:52 PM
    hey guys i was just wondering, is bestbuy going to be selling the iphone4 on friday and what do you think the lines are going to be like. Thnx


    queen sofia royal wedding. Vogue Daily — Queen Sofía of
  • Vogue Daily — Queen Sofía of

  • drenline
    Apr 16, 09:11 PM
    Noooo! Say it ain't so!! Im still waiting on my iPad 2 jailbreak to try this out!

    queen sofia royal wedding. arrive to attend the Royal
  • arrive to attend the Royal

  • obeygiant
    Apr 18, 07:16 AM
    A gay lightbulb?


    queen sofia royal wedding. Abbey at the Royal Wedding
  • Abbey at the Royal Wedding

  • DougFNJ
    Mar 11, 03:49 PM
    This actually made me "lol" Well done Doug...

    I try ;)

    queen sofia royal wedding. Pictures: Royal wedding
  • Pictures: Royal wedding

  • SciFrog
    Sep 4, 05:06 AM
    Looks like they removed the WINE GPU Folding references in their forum...


    queen sofia royal wedding. Spain#39;s Queen Sofia, Spain#39;s
  • Spain#39;s Queen Sofia, Spain#39;s

  • jiminaus
    Apr 17, 09:39 PM
    I hadn't bought a physical book in a long time. I always by e-books. They're much more easily searchable than physical books, I can cross-reference with a click on a hyperlink, I don't have to wait or pay for shipped (which to Australia can be more than the cost of the book), and I don't have to find a place to physically store it.

    The only issue would be if you need to access the book side-by-side with your work. This isn't a problem for me because I have 2 large screens. If you only have one smallish screen, then this may be an issue. Unless you have an iPad and can view the book on the iPad while you work. ;)

    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia Royal pre-wedding
  • Queen Sofia Royal pre-wedding

  • blevins321
    May 5, 01:56 PM
    If you would like to make a reasonable investment, a NAS might be your best bet. I have a Synology DS411J that I wrote a review about HERE (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1117716). You can throw up to 4 SATA desktop drives into it. As long as you have more than one, your data will be protected automatically from one drive failure. The software on board also can automatically backup your data to one or more external USB drives. My setup is 4x2TB Western Digital Green drives in one of these along with a 2TB USB external drive that is used for a 3-times-weekly nightly backup. I have a couple thousand Aperture RAW files along with nearly 1TB of movies. It works flawlessly for everything. Plus it has automatic Time Machine support that works surprisingly well over wireless.


    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia of Spain,
  • Queen Sofia of Spain,

  • msmith2112
    Sep 17, 07:40 PM
    LOL, it took me about 20 min. to make this. Seriously though, do you think a phone is really in the works?

    queen sofia royal wedding. Queen Sofia Queen Sofia of
  • Queen Sofia Queen Sofia of

  • jamie85
    Sep 21, 06:55 AM
    My question for discussion would be: 1) would you consider buying a used LCD monitor off of ebay? 2) What new 19" LCD would you recommend in the $450 price range?

    I've heard good reviews about the Dell 1905FP 19", which is going for around ~$300 on eBay. Froogle gives PointShop.com as the lowest at $383 (http://froogle.google.com/froogle_url?q=http://www.pointshop.com/Mall/Catalog/Product/ASP/engine/Froogle/product-id/782389/store-id/1000044893.html&fr=AB_gAT4s7plo8-aKXbksvDLeE_AAEU68rdnh_5QmTdDHAAAAAAAAAAA) .

    Or you could spend $250 more and get an (open box) Apple 20" (http://www.techforless.com/cgi-bin/tech4less/M8893ZLL/A?mv_pc=froogle). :D

    queen sofia royal wedding. and Queen Sofia of Spain
  • and Queen Sofia of Spain

  • Cabbit
    Feb 21, 01:25 PM
    Totally agreed its just a exercise in wasting money. They only thing that would give some soft of protection to your php/asp files if any would be something like Zend Guard to encrypt the code(But not the CSS and HTML).

    Apr 28, 08:27 PM
    Okay, so perhaps the title is a bit vague.

    I've enabled the lock rotation/mute switch plist mod on my iPhone 4. However, when using the switch as a rotation lock switch, there's a blank black icon in my multitasking menu where the "Mute on/off" button should be.

    Could somebody SSH/iFile/whatever the icons for the multitasking mute on/off button for me and send them this way? Likely to be in:


    The rotation lock icon is under the name, "RotationLockButton-iphone.png" and "RotationUnlockButton-iphone.png" if that helps at all.

    Thanks a bunch for any help! It'll save me a heck of a lot of grief. Downloading a 600MB file on terrible satellite internet is like pulling teeth.

    How did you do this? Does it work on 4.2.1?

    Jaffa Cake
    Sep 18, 02:17 PM
    A couple of potential issues with a second-hand G3 � firstly, the G3's didn't have USB 2.0, that's only appeared on more recent iBooks (I think they started with the first generation of the G4 models). Secondly, unless you get your hands on one with AirPort already installed you're going to have to track down an older AirPort card, which Apple don't manufacture any more. You can get them from eBay but prices can get a little high. There are also some issues with certain G3 iBooks relating to the logic boards.

    Personally, I think trying to get your hands on a G4 iBook with USB 2.0 might be a better bet. Either that, or let them keep yours and get them to get you a new one for Christmas. ;)

    Apr 26, 03:24 AM
    If you're in the UK, your best bet will probably be Crucial, as they run a UK web store. Crucial sells the proper modules with Apple-approved heatsinks.

    �235.19 inc. VAT for two 4GB sticks (8GB kit). Not exactly cheap, but really, it's only about 10% more than what I would pay for the same thing in the States, after I factor in tax (which Crucial charges in my state), based on the currency exchange rate.


    OWC and Trans Intl are always cheaper than Crucial, ASSUMING you live in the US. But the shipping and customs would kill you as a UK resident and they would cost more than Crucial in the end.

    As said before, FB-DIMMs are expensive and chances are, they'll probably never decrease in price, but perhaps even increase over time.

    Mar 9, 05:40 PM
    If youre just looking for Pokemon Id say get a DS Lite on ebay for cheap rather than a DSi. Then you can hold out until the 3DS comes down in price and more games are released if you still need to get your mobile gaming fix.

    I am playing Black on my DS Lite right now. I can tell it wasnt designed for the screen on the Lite though, as in battle the lettering in the pokemon names is really cramped.

    The benefit of the Lite is that if you have any leftover Gameboy Advanced games you can still play them on it. I play Super Mario Bros 1 and 3 on my Lite which was the main reason I havent upgraded and probably wont upgrade for a while.

    Sep 28, 10:50 AM
    No opinion on Bluetooth mice. Other than wishing like everyone else that Apple would make their new one in bluetooth.

    I've heard lots of good things on this board about Crucial so you might want to check their ram out.

    Lastly, I edit video on a 15" PB and have had no problems with heat. But I do recommend the ilap. It's a great stand and I've bought two of them to use with both my powerbooks. http://www.raindesigninc.com/ilap.html


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